Saturday, January 2, 2010


In March, 2009 the world’s only pink Bottlenose dolphin was discovered in Louisiana’s Lake Calcasieu. It is shockingly pink but it is an albino with telltale pink eyes. Although albinism is a genetic trait, it is still unclear what type of albinism this pink albino dolphin inherited.

Albinism in animals is a condition that causes a creature to become an albino and is caused by recessive genes inherited from both the animal’s parents. Almost any type of animal can display albinism, even invertebrates like crabs and jellyfish. Although rare, there have been sightings of albino dolphins, albino peacocks and even albino alligators.

As if alligators aren’t intimidating enough, the albino alligator has very little pigment (one at Germany’s Serengeti Safari Park is as white as bone china) and its eyes are almost white as well — making for an extremely scary looking creature.

White snakes, albino gorillas, albino whales, great white whale sharks, albino dolphins … the list goes on. Rare, fascinating albino animals around the world capture the attention of photographers, researchers and curious people around the world.